Tuesday, July 30, 2013

So what are you saying?

So You are white, or gay, or Jew, Muslim, atheist, Asian, fat, Boney. So what? We differ on the plight of America, world views, and social/cultural events. And?  Our sense of style is different and we like different music., who cares? 

I believe that God gave everyone free will, and who am I to take it from you? You have the option to do whatever it is you wish under the sun as long as you dont break the law. but lets remember that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I love science! Science teaches us so much, but yet we tend to treat science like some treat the bible... you pull out the parts that you want to prove an argument, instead of gaining self awareness from the whole. As a result you become a hypocrite.
As a human, general freedoms should be a given to all; but It isn't. Freedom should be a personal venture. I cant take away your freedoms. No one should. So why do you choose to take mine?  How does one have the freedom to say that 2 men should be married, or "under God" should be removed from the pledge, but don't want me to kneel and say a prayer at a football game, use Jesus name on tv (unless in a joking or damning manner) or wear a turban in an airport without being stopped, or even get to go on Fox News and express himself in a dignified manner, while being completely qualified to speak of different religions without have ones own be brought into question, or be bombarded with senseless non factual rants (Reza Aslan). 

 In life, there is one constant and it is that you will believe in something. Some choose Jesus, some choose Allah, the sun, a golden calf, a celebrity, Stephen Hawking, or themselves. We all know, mans biggest goal in life is to BE God, therefor he doesn't have to serve one. 

People are lazy, shiftless, corner cutting, bigoted, self loathing, prideful individuals. And I'm not talking about the shell of race, gender, or culture. The shell seems to be the divisive topic that those in true control like to keep us fighting about. We fight over race, religion, creed, money, hair color, wardrobe, and perception  because its the easiest to see. Yet when was the last time we fought over the inner part? when have you fought over Love, health, knowledge, freedom, right, or most important.... intent. The part that CANT be seen is intent. That's where the conundrum is. Psychology tells us that their are 4 personality types. These 4 traits are in every one of these "outer differences" that we love to fight over. But they seem to go out the window when we bring up a stereotype that is used to belittle another to make ourselves feel good. 

I am a Christian and some of the worst scapegoat cliches are used by those who claim to be Christian. Ie, "only God can judge me", and "God knows my heart". It needs to be changed. In the same vain, those that oppose love to use parts of the bible to condemn those that follow it. The bible is not a history book, nor was it in chronological order. If you know this as well as the true history, you'll know that most of what people "think" it encourages is untrue. Again, there were certain  personality types that twisted it then to use it against people, which is still present today. Remember, there is nothing new under the sun. To disparage one to uplift the other is easily summed up by the pot and kettle. 

People need to become masters of their own thoughts. No matter what it is. If you become a doctor, you must be educated, learn question, make mistakes, grow, and daily be a practitioner. whatever your beliefs are, be a practitioner of them with the sincerity of a great doctor, there would be less of the bickering, whining, wars, and atrocities because of differences that are only visible to the eye.  None of us know why we were put here, so lets work together to get to the destination we are trying to go. I look forward to seeing you on the other side. That's MY belief. 

Thank you all for your time and reading and passing along these words. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Did Zimmerman prosecutors throw the case?

After all the emotions have died down over the Zimmerman trial, I started to wonder a few things. The prosecution did such a piss poor job, that I began to wonder if they even really wanted to win. These prosecutors had an impeccable record in Florida. The same prosecutors sentenced a woman to 20 years for NOT killing her abusive husband. All the public official (police) witnesses that were supposed to be for the prosecution turned to defense. PROBABLY because they were all fired and brought under great scrutiny for not making the initial arrest. Now, lets remember that the city of Sanford didn't peruse this... The governor of Florida did. That means the prosecution was "forced" to prosecute a person they probably didn't want to. I'm not saying they "threw the match", but it seems to look that way. The prosecution was horrible which made the defense look like rock stars (and Don West a huge prick). So what do you think? Does it sound like the prosecution took a dive? 

#MindOfAMisfit      http://piff.me/3e6508d   http://youtu.be/nBYJkr4AL2c

Friday, July 12, 2013

A message from Trayvon

The purpose of justice is to be equal. How do you want justice for me, when you don't seek accountability and justice for those that look like me, being killed by those that look like me. You're glued to your tv watching a spectacle while Chicago puts up death tolls that rival any current war. They are laughing at us. how dare we ask for equality, when we don't expect it for ourselves?  We only choose to fight to hold on to negative stereotypes and derogatory terms. we fight for the right kill ourselves. So Is a life only important when someone other than a black person takes it? Who decides which cause to fight for?  I was murdered;but hopefully not in vain. This should incite change from within. This trial should show you that your past can be brought up at anytime. So don't do things that would embarrass you or your mother. Whether right or wrong, it's a reality, so Live as such. If Zimmerman gets off for his crime, you can't destroy the community. The community didn't murder me. There is not need for them to protect "our community" because we she disdain for it ourselves. Zimmerman killed me, so why would I riot and destroy my neighborhood, like in watts, la, and Detroit? Go to where real injustices are happening.  Go wear out a fresh pair of Nikes marching and fighting where real disservice is taking place; like Chicago. How can you blame others for taking our lives, when we do it at epidemic proportions. If you really want justice for me.... Demand justice for all.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Unfortunately I know most probably wont read this because of the length, but i must say this:
There is a huge difference between "do as I say, not as I do" and being a hypocrite. Unfortunately it's all cloaked in poor communication and submerged in unfair expectations. All people go through similar hardships and tests. If I'm the CEO of a company, a hipster, athlete, or humanitarian, we all have to work on the issues of hypocrisy, forgetfulness, anger, bad intent, gossip and more. This includes Christians. In all facets of life, there are good people and bad. No one group is 100% bad. It is good to know that all seem to put Christians on an extremely high pedestal... But we ALL fall under one category. Human. Because of this, we will error and make mistakes. How about as a society we stop playing judges and lawyers and become leaders, witnesses and helpers of a better life. We are very quick to point out all the faults of people. Blacks. Whites. Atheists. Republicans.  Gay, Mormons. Jews. Democrats. Hispanics. Muslims. Asians. And many more.  It seems that we all want to bicker and point at the next as if we are somehow more enlightened or different because we are "on the other side". All it leads to is each other raising voices louder than the other, and nothing is solved in an argument. I have many different views than a lot of you. I want blacks to elevate. That doesn't mean I want whites denigrated. I am intolerant to a lot of things that are against my beliefs of human morality and decency. But that doesn't mean I have a heaven or hell to put you in, and I'd never try to. I want us to live healthy lives free of GMO's, additives, and addictive medicines and illness inducers. But I'm not going to punish you for popping some Alleve and eating McDonald's.  I love all people, regardless. But because I love doesn't mean I have to accept everything. Just like a family member, we have many differences; but instead of always pointing out the differences that separates, lets point out the days that we are alike. Like help grow each others lives. The bigger war is amongst those who like for us to fight over nonsense, while they take your money, health, quality of life, and spirit. You can't see it until you understand that there is more to you. God gave all humanity free will. Who am I to try and take that away. Whether We agree or not. #LetsGrow. 

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