Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What are you so scared of?

Help me understand how a group that says they love this country so much would rather bankrupt it than to see progress? 
How is this justifiable? How is this "Take my ball and go home" approach healthy for ANYONE in this country? Sometime I wonder if people truly understand that a Country is its Citizens and border. That is about it. So what are you afraid of?

I really have done my due diligence to embrace a particular group of our government. I am having such a hard time overcoming the public grandstanding, open greed, malcontent, and blithe disregard for their own party, job, constituents and rules. It seems as though this is done in order to have a pissing contest with each other in and outside of this group and it is just wrong. Now PLEASE tell me how this is "Good" for our nation? How is Bankrupting a government to get your view passed(or to prevent a crowning achievement of another)a good thing? This wasn't good for AIG, Enron, and other big businesses to go bankrupt and fail, yet it is perfectly OK for the United States of America? 

Whether a person agrees with policies that help (and not just profits from) it's citizens or not, it is a slippery slope towards a similar course that embattled Greece, Turkey, and a fledgling new Egypt and Syria. Those people realized they deserved more, and decided to go head to head with those who don't want to give it up.  The only difference is, instead of the government using live rounds or chemical weapons on it's citizens, a lot of these Congressional groups are sitting back and verbally abusing its denizens. You can't blame the president; he just wants to get things done without fruitless and baseless opposition. No one offers suggestions opposing the President that may be beneficial, they just blame him. To blame him is like an abused wife blaming the father of her abusive husband. You need to deal with the person abusing.

At this rate I am concerned that someone is going to throw the first rock(towards Government) and we will fight to tear down the oppressive parties that want to deny the liberties that we ALL as United States citizens have been and should be given. Will this person be a tyrant, rebel, or just an implementation of change; I don't know. What I do know is to 'deny and destroy' in order to hold fast onto what others feel is so necessary for life is dangerous to all and to those who witness. A man will kill for what little he has. Especially if someone big tries to take it. 

So why are certain people being bullies? Don't they know how the story always ends for them?

So again I ask... What are these pockets of people so scared of? Why would they rather do something detrimental to our country in order to see people stifled by government? So many of you will sheepishly follow behind in a blind loyalty of a situation that doesn't truly include you. Most of you (98%)don't have the type of money to even STAND next to the table they play cards at, yet you're arguing for them. They aren't even listening to you because economically YOU don't matter. 

What do you feel you would lose with someone else getting a benefit? You will pay taxes NO MATTER WHAT. There is so much waste and corrupt loopholes, yet somehow those aren't being brought to the table. You (tax mavens)are paying for this grandstanding of one filibuster up to 53 million in tax money. Where is the anger and vitriol in that?

I would love to believe that race is absent from peoples judgement of the President. The president (Like every other human) has positives and negatives. some of his policies are wrong, and others aren't . But I would like to ask anyone to go to their job and treat the top man their with the same amount "respect" and "admiration" you treat him and see how well it goes. If you can watch a movie and see what is being played out people, how come you cant see what these groups of people are doing on capitol hill. How can work be don't? how can progress be made?

You don't like or need Obamacare- So what. The beauty is you have choices. It is NOT for you but for those who don't have the means. 

You don't like unions because it gives power to people(people with power, go figure). So what. The United states of America is itself a Union. Your company doesn't care much for you. Your job probably needs one.

You don't like Welfare. So What. If you are not on it, then it does not affect you. There are people who need it and those that abuse it. Worry about the abusers not those that aren't as blessed as you. There are some necessary participants. Aspirin is abused. where is the uproar

You think its all socialism vs capitalism. Why? the two have been merged forever. You can't have one without the other. Again... what is it hurting? You want the pheromones of charity at Christmas time, but what about those same people in June or March? Plus in today's time of Hybrid SUV's, phones, and other items, you cant create a hybrid system?

So I say to you: My Fellow Americans, don't allow yourself to become a dissonant human being. So I ask one last time... What are you afraid of? 

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