Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The World According to...

Hello All, and welcome to this Blog Post!! I will have this page associated with a Facebook group(, so please feel free to join me there! This blog and that group is all about the things that they say people cant talk about at work. We talk openly about Sex, Politics, Religion, drugs, humor, racism, classicism, economic, poverty, sexism, and all the "ism's" you can think of. nothing is off topic other than belittling and childish name calling. We aim to have a good time first.

In my first posting, I want to talk about a video I recently watched entitled "The World according to Monsanto". It is not a brand new video, and some of the Eco-friendly people may already be all too familiar with it.

To give you a small smidge of info on me, I am not a Tree-hugging hippy who walks around barefoot listening to trees and Old Bob Dylan records (no disrespect too my friends who are, and Bob did have a few jams!), but I do care passionately about my health, neighborhood, environment, ecosystem, beliefs, planet, and universe. I champion myself on being a realist. I have no particular political affiliation, and am skeptical of a lot the info that is passed on to us as facts from media, government, and other sources with a platform. I am not a zealot, nut, or going to start a militia, but I do challenge the norm, and push through status quo. I don't accept that just because you have a degree that makes you an expert. That makes you a great test taker, and certified in the application of that field based on book work. Real life trumps book taught any day!. So if agenda based talk is what you're looking for.... My apologies, its not here! I Enjoy open talk; even if we disagree

But back to Documentary. It is A Must watch. What I don't get about this is how can we as a society have so much information, yet do so little. Have we really gotten that lazy? Are we more worried about a Chevy Tahoe exhaust fumes more than the lifeline of existence- Food? I really don't get it. Genetically Modified foods is by no way good, yet we vote with our dollars consistently that it is. Our Government that we all want to stay out of our business, yet protect us is manipulating us on the issues. While you're concerned about whether your text messages are being read, you aren't concerned that your food is poisoned, Minority neighborhoods are the dumping ground, and Big Pharma is coming through and destroying your quality of life on the back end. Oh, but I'm sorry, you're life is wrapped up in whether or not any successful entertainer is the Illuminati, Or should reparations be paid. Or if Bill Cosby is wrong, and Kim Kardashian right. Meanwhile the Food AND Drug agencies are showing their care for humanity in a Biblical and prophetic of Revelations proportions. You want to always talk about "real"; It's time you woke up and recognize the true real/ May the grace of God rest, rule and abide in you and your families.

Please feel free to discuss and comment with me any and all sides and thoughts, and spread the word of my blog!

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