Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pro & Anti Syria

The past few days have been and people from all sides have been weighing in on their thoughts of the Crisis in Syria. The intervention of America, like all things, has benefits and drawbacks. As a Superpower, there is a form of decorum and obligation to make sure that we use that power for the betterment of all. We are to love our fellow man, and if we say we do, then how can we sit idly by and allowed innocent men, women, and children be gassed. These are human beings that we as the most gifted country should want to have those rights bestowed on everyone.

Then again, we still have economic instability and plenty situations at home that haven't been tended to. How do we manage to find the funds and the ever elusive congress unification on the commitment to a better life elsewhere? If this is somehow discovered, the question looms as to how come we can 't agree on the importance of a great health system and reinvestment of our own communities so we can maintain our own standard of living Stateside. Now, no one is comparing the perceived ills of American society to anything  that the Syrians are going through. Anyone who believes that we compare in ANY way to being killed by your own Government is severely lacking;but we could be more receptive to the conversation of intervention if we weren't working just to afford $4 gas and the bare grocery necessities.

Whether you are Pro or Anti Syrian intervention, something needs to be done. Just as much as something needs to be done to fix Detroit, Chicago, and other great american cities. What I think all Americans can agree on is that we would like to see more of is a solutions oriented plan than more of the political rhetoric.

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