Monday, September 30, 2013

How come we can't FIRE Congress when they work for us, and we pay their salary?

While people are playing around with the government shutdown, there are people who have NO skin in the game controlling and playing with and on the emotions and livelihoods of millions of Americans. My mother, whom is retired military and a retired State of Texas employee WILL NOT get her checks while the elected congressmen dick around with their gang affiliation-esque political party to the public while they have their own checks coming. Their checks are coming in, if not from the same government that they want to shut down, from the businesses that are lining their coffers to keep this BS cesspool going.
It is somehow funny that people are so against Unions when our government is a union. Our states are a part of a union. And in NO job can an employee tell their boss, THE TAX PAYERS, screw you we want to do it our own way. We understand that you little people voted for ACA, but who cares. Whether you agree with it or not is besides the point. WE work for businesses. the same businesses who are in the clear because they can fire their employees, post higher than ever profits and then blame it on ACA, and YOU voters will blame it on the President. Never once will you use that "Good ole American" wisdom and realize that it is not a logical argument to say that 7 million new paying customers added to a program will cost a program more money. Short of some infrastructure adjustments and having to hire some AMERICANS to work, it is not possible. I know Big Pharma doesn't want it because it will cap what they can charge. Some price gouging doctors don't want it because they can't Gouge. And some businesses want ALL the money. Profit isn't a bad word, but it becomes one when it is more important than the people helping you to attain those profits. Again, there is NO business that doesn't want millions of new customers. In today's time, you cant even comment on a post without giving your information so you can be added to a pool as a customer. But yet, I am supposed to believe that "company" is going to crumble because of new people being added? I say again, the reason why Businesses and some ignorant/racists/Elitist (or all three) don't want it is because of Menu pricing, and a level playing field. And for whatever reason giving people a level playing field is somehow wrong. Should it be banded with Gay rights for it to be accepted? Women's Rights? Immigration rights?

When will our American public realize that Congress is supposed to listen to us and not us listen to them. We are in control. We are so quick to holler "Our Tax Dollars" when it comes to our equal peer group(s). We complain about our tax money when we are being pandered too. When they talk about the tax money used towards social platforms dealing with the poor, or welfare, or food stamps, or Blacks, or immigrants. But yet we seem to have forgotten that we pay their salary and for their "free" healthcare. Remember, these are official government employees. They collect pay checks from our tax money whether they work or not. The kickbacks they get from lobbyists is also a problem. The rich doesn't spend money -they collect it. Guess from who..

The country is supposed to be of the people, By the people, and For the people. Yet somewhere we have forgotten that. I understand that economics play a part. Lets be real, the true divisiveness among most Americans when it comes to most of the "integration" issues is among lower economic stature of people. Because you're the only ones who have to mesh. You had to mesh with blacks for jobs, education, benefits, and others. The elite upper economic echelon doesn't have to deal with that. So they play us against each other. You don't realize that we ALL are in this together. The party line doesn't care for you until it is time to vote. Then they want you to fight and think that you somehow are the same as them. It is the ultimate mind control. Congress has NO fear of the people. They absolutely do NOT care. and it is our fault.

So what do we do? When do we take back this great nation from the hired help that is running a muck. Where is the new crop of true leaders? Where is the demand of what we ask. There is a reason people in Egypt, Greece, Syria, and other locales (often exempt from US news) that are marching and protesting for this very reason. Were is what made America AMERICA at?

Like a Facebook friend (Cris Colbert) says-
The Constitution (Article 5) allows for dissolving the Congress.

...just putting it into the universe. 

Did the Family Feud really set us this far back?

While watching a rerun episode of Family Feud, it is one of the most cringe-worthy episodes consisting of the Brown Family. I know, I know. It is an old episode, but while watching "Punkin" Brown and crew on I just cant help but feel like it was the epitome of every negative black stereotype.  We have The Jack-leg Preacher with the shiny suit and ultra perm dancing; overly loud mother who won't stop hollering; the completely ignorant daughter who couldn't spell "Loin", nor knows the correct words for items; the brother who wants to be called on national TV "lunatic" because he's a rapper; and finally the one with the most ambition and sense(wants to be a Principle) is "Choir Director sweet" but never gets to answer or play for sudden death even though he consistently gave good answers.

If this was an episode of Martin, or another Predominately black TV show, it'd be one that we all partook in the point and laugh at exaggerations of ignorance ignorance... But it would have just been a joke.
If this was an episode of Seinfeld, or Two and a half men, or other predominately white TV show, we would SCREAM racism and blast the characters for their buffoonery. But what do we say about this? This was real life. Yes, we all know a person who fits into a category, but come on now. The "rapper" began break dancing and doing a back spin during taping. The whole time you hear mama Willa hollering over any and all people throughout the telecast. I can only imagine how grueling taping must have been. Steve Harvey did his best to control the scenario, He did also speak about them in his hilarious stand up "Grand Finale".

I'm sorry, America... but this family's appearance was an absolute travesty. Myself being a person of color,  I know I don't have to take on the responsibility of what a person(s) does who is within the same group. If it should bring negative attention to themselves, it shouldn't be a reflection of the whole group. Other races don't worry about "protecting the brand" as much as us, but because we shouldn't allow one person to represent our race, doesn't mean that those outside of the race wouldn't use it to negatively look down on a group. And this family set up a precedent for this situation to happen. here it is a year and a half later, and its still shown and all over the web. I'm quite sure it is safe to say that they probably don't even realize how they looked on the show to everyone else. SMH.

Oh by the way they won a 2 day total of $20,935.


Saturday, September 28, 2013

Some some stupid things that White people say... that are actually racist!

Hello All,

Below is an article that was sent to me to comment on, because of my ongoing attempt to help in race relations. This article is from the Baltimore Racial Justice and was put together to help our White brethren understand the psychology behind some of the most common (and often infuriating) comments that are said in good conscience to show that you have no ill will. Even though it shouldn't matter, this article was put together by a white person for white people!  Now this is NOT a list for those whom are proud to be outright prejudice, bigots, or even further down the totem pole of ignorance. Also, we know that racism comes in a myriad of ways, systems, and groups of people. So lets talk about it!

  1. Call a Black person “articulate.”
Instead: Because of a long history of oppression, degradation, and dismissal of the talent and skills of Black people, understand that such a statement coming from a white person is often construed, and meant, as meaning “articulate-ness” is something unusual in a Black person.

  1. Say ”one of my best friends is [black, Latino, person of color, etc.].”
Instead: Ask yourself first: Do you know where that person shops for groceries? Where they go to church? Where they get their hair cut? What their children’s/granchildren’s names are? Have you ever been to their home? These are the things you know about a best friend.

  1. Say that the success of [Oprah, Bill Cosby, Michael Jordan, etc.] show that there’s no longer any racism.
Instead: Ask yourself about Madame CJ Walker. She was a millionaire, the first black millionaire, in the early part of the 20th century.  Lynchings were still going on.  No one would say things were equal then, but she was a famous millionaire.  The real question is how many more people like Oprah etc would there be if there were equality?

  1. Say that if anyone works hard they will get ahead.
Instead: Understand and accept that this is one of the operative myths of our culture: the meritocracy. Any comparative statistic of all the socio-economic indicators shows that structural inequality is the reality. A lot of people who are working hard are not getting ahead.

  1. Say that it doesn’t matter what color Jesus was, it matters what Jesus did, while insisting that pictures of him must be white.
Instead: Consider that if it really didn’t matter to you, we could make him Black.

  1. Say that if we could just all be friends, everything would be all right.
Instead: Consider that friendships are nice but they are not a substitute for equity and justice.

  1. Say that you need a safe space to talk about race.
Instead: Consider why you feel there is a danger zone and why.

  1. Say that you “don’t see color.”
Instead: Consider that saying this is not a compliment because the implication is that having color is a diminishment. Are you trying to bestow some kind of “honorary whiteness” on a person of color? They don’t want it.

  1.  Say that we should just trust and respect each other.
Instead: Consider whether that isn’t a part of any genuine relationship and why it needs to be highlighted in this instance. Who broke, and continues to break, the trust? Respect has to be earned.

  1. Say things like, “Look at [Condaleeza Rice, Ben Carson, Colin Powell]. Why can’t other people of color get ahead?”
Instead: Ask yourself why you didn’t invent the atom bomb. Every culture has its exceptional individuals. But most of us are pretty ordinary.

  1. Lecture African Americans and other people of color on how they need to let go of the past.
Instead:  Acknowledge that racism is here in the present.  Whites still benefit from white privilege; people of color are still oppressed by racist institutions. Asking people of color to let go of the past history of racial injustice in this country is actually to ask them to deny the present reality that such injustice still occurs.

  1. Excuse yourself from responsibility for racism because you weren’t born yet when people were enslaved.
Instead:  Recognize that every white person alive today benefits from white privilege, right here, right now, in the 21st century.  You may not be responsible for enslavement in the past, but that doesn’t change your responsibility for how you knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate racism today.

  1. Believe that racism is a thing of the past.
Instead:  see above

  1. Insist that you can only understand racism if a person of color explains it.
Instead: Look around, do some research of your own, talk to white allies.  There are books, films, organizations, and websites to learn from.  (See resources list.) Racism itself is a burden to people of color; it is an additional burden to have to constantly explain racism to whites, which often includes having to justify or defend their views and experiences in the face of hostility.

  1. Insist that people of color should look at your intent and not the impact of what  you do/support/deny because of your “good intentions.”
Instead:   If intent is the only measure of your work towards racial justice, then the only benefit of that work is that you feel better about yourself by doing it.  On the other hand, if the impact is a measure, then there is accountability to how your work actually advances the goal of racial justice, which benefits everyone.

  1. Believe that changing “hearts and minds” is the ultimate goal of anti-racism work.
Instead:  Changing people’s hearts and minds may be one step on the journey, but that in and of itself does not advance racial justice.  The ultimate goal is to make institutional and structural change in our society to achieve racial equity – equal opportunity and access.

  1. Insist people of color should be doing more for themselves.
Instead: Do your homework about what YOU could do.  Recognize that most barriers to advancement for people of color are those created by white society.  If you don’t know what these are, research them.   Learn about the vibrant history of what people of color have done and continue to do to support themselves as a community.  Learn about the genocidal attacks on their efforts by white society. Learn about what other white people have done to advance racial equity.

  1. Unthinkingly criticize a person of color for doing the same thing(s) white people do all the time, or fail to criticize a person of color simply because they are a person of color.
Instead: Be conscious of your motivation. Are you reacting to the action, or to the person of color who took the action? If a white person took the same action, would you criticize them? On the other hand, are you avoiding a critique because you don’t want to appear racist, even if the critique is legitimate?

  1. Get offended and/or hurt when someone calls you out on your oppressive behavior.
Instead:  Recognize it as a learning opportunity to grow as an anti-racist ally and as a human being.

  1. Get offended when you feel you’ve been perceived as a racist.
Instead: See above  and below

  1. Believe  that identifying yourself as a Christian, progressive, liberal, anarchist,  Baha’i and/or a spiritual person guarantees you are a non-racist.
Instead: Realize that all people in our society are ingrained with racist messages. Your political or spiritual beliefs may have given you the desire to overcome that racist training, but they do not in and of themselves mean that you have overcome it.

  1. Believe you used to be a racist, but are no longer.
Instead: Unlearning racism is a lifelong process.  Our racist programming comes from people in our lives, from media, from many forces. It is a huge amount of effort to unlearn it.

  1. Believe that because you have experienced oppression as a woman, Jew, person with a disability, LGBT, etc. that you understand racism.
Instead: Recognize that different forms of oppression function differently in our society, and people can be privileged in one way while oppressed in another.  It is not useful to compare or “rank” oppressions.  If you have experienced oppression and know the pain it causes you, let that inspire you to take responsibility for the oppression you cause to others, not deny that you do so.  (Would you agree if a man of color said he couldn’t be sexist because he had experienced racism, or an able-bodied lesbian said she couldn’t be prejudiced against a person with a disability because she’d experienced homophobia?)

  1. Believe that you can relate to a person of color’s experience of racism because you’ve encountered a similar situation.
Instead:  Recognize that as a white person you have never experienced what it’s like to be a person of color, and you never will. A personal instance of pain is not the same as a lifetime of oppression.

  1. Believe that if you have experienced discrimination it is the same as experiencing structural racism.
Instead: Recognize that racism is not just prejudice, but prejudice plus power.  In our society, whites have the vast majority of power in institutions such as schools, courts, and corporations and maintenance of national narratives. Individual people of color may be biased against whites, just as whites may be biased against people of color.  But the difference is that whites have institutional power to consistently deny resources and rights to people of color impacting their life choices and life chances; people of color do not have similar power to use their bias that way.

  1. Believe that racism “goes both ways.”
Instead: See above

  1. Believe that any personal struggle you endure is the equivalent of oppression.
Instead:  All people endure personal struggle; oppression is a separate situation.  Oppression is when the cards are systematically stacked against you by forces outside your control; when society has the power to deny you rights and resources.  Oppression is the systematic exploitation of one social group by another for its own benefit; it involves institutional control, ideological domination and the imposition of the dominant group’s culture on the oppressed group

  1. Believe that you understand what racism feels like because you have visited a  country, part of town, or venue where white people are the minority.
Instead:  Recognize that white privilege is a global phenomenon.  Even if you are “the only white person” somewhere, you are still carrying white privilege.  Also, if you felt as an individual uncomfortable or unwelcome, you knew that you could leave that venue, that part of town or that country and go back to a place where you felt “normal.” For people of color, they may feel equally uncomfortable or unwelcome in white society, but they do not have a choice to leave it, without uprooting their lives.

  1. Believe the “stamp of approval” from a few people of color means you are a non-racist.
Instead:  All people in our society are deeply ingrained with racist messages.  Even if you have done some positive work to be less racist, there is always more work to do.  If you assume you no longer have work to do because of what a few people of color have said, you are taking those individual people’s views and assuming they represent the whole race, which is kind of racist.

Full link to article here:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What are you so scared of?

Help me understand how a group that says they love this country so much would rather bankrupt it than to see progress? 
How is this justifiable? How is this "Take my ball and go home" approach healthy for ANYONE in this country? Sometime I wonder if people truly understand that a Country is its Citizens and border. That is about it. So what are you afraid of?

I really have done my due diligence to embrace a particular group of our government. I am having such a hard time overcoming the public grandstanding, open greed, malcontent, and blithe disregard for their own party, job, constituents and rules. It seems as though this is done in order to have a pissing contest with each other in and outside of this group and it is just wrong. Now PLEASE tell me how this is "Good" for our nation? How is Bankrupting a government to get your view passed(or to prevent a crowning achievement of another)a good thing? This wasn't good for AIG, Enron, and other big businesses to go bankrupt and fail, yet it is perfectly OK for the United States of America? 

Whether a person agrees with policies that help (and not just profits from) it's citizens or not, it is a slippery slope towards a similar course that embattled Greece, Turkey, and a fledgling new Egypt and Syria. Those people realized they deserved more, and decided to go head to head with those who don't want to give it up.  The only difference is, instead of the government using live rounds or chemical weapons on it's citizens, a lot of these Congressional groups are sitting back and verbally abusing its denizens. You can't blame the president; he just wants to get things done without fruitless and baseless opposition. No one offers suggestions opposing the President that may be beneficial, they just blame him. To blame him is like an abused wife blaming the father of her abusive husband. You need to deal with the person abusing.

At this rate I am concerned that someone is going to throw the first rock(towards Government) and we will fight to tear down the oppressive parties that want to deny the liberties that we ALL as United States citizens have been and should be given. Will this person be a tyrant, rebel, or just an implementation of change; I don't know. What I do know is to 'deny and destroy' in order to hold fast onto what others feel is so necessary for life is dangerous to all and to those who witness. A man will kill for what little he has. Especially if someone big tries to take it. 

So why are certain people being bullies? Don't they know how the story always ends for them?

So again I ask... What are these pockets of people so scared of? Why would they rather do something detrimental to our country in order to see people stifled by government? So many of you will sheepishly follow behind in a blind loyalty of a situation that doesn't truly include you. Most of you (98%)don't have the type of money to even STAND next to the table they play cards at, yet you're arguing for them. They aren't even listening to you because economically YOU don't matter. 

What do you feel you would lose with someone else getting a benefit? You will pay taxes NO MATTER WHAT. There is so much waste and corrupt loopholes, yet somehow those aren't being brought to the table. You (tax mavens)are paying for this grandstanding of one filibuster up to 53 million in tax money. Where is the anger and vitriol in that?

I would love to believe that race is absent from peoples judgement of the President. The president (Like every other human) has positives and negatives. some of his policies are wrong, and others aren't . But I would like to ask anyone to go to their job and treat the top man their with the same amount "respect" and "admiration" you treat him and see how well it goes. If you can watch a movie and see what is being played out people, how come you cant see what these groups of people are doing on capitol hill. How can work be don't? how can progress be made?

You don't like or need Obamacare- So what. The beauty is you have choices. It is NOT for you but for those who don't have the means. 

You don't like unions because it gives power to people(people with power, go figure). So what. The United states of America is itself a Union. Your company doesn't care much for you. Your job probably needs one.

You don't like Welfare. So What. If you are not on it, then it does not affect you. There are people who need it and those that abuse it. Worry about the abusers not those that aren't as blessed as you. There are some necessary participants. Aspirin is abused. where is the uproar

You think its all socialism vs capitalism. Why? the two have been merged forever. You can't have one without the other. Again... what is it hurting? You want the pheromones of charity at Christmas time, but what about those same people in June or March? Plus in today's time of Hybrid SUV's, phones, and other items, you cant create a hybrid system?

So I say to you: My Fellow Americans, don't allow yourself to become a dissonant human being. So I ask one last time... What are you afraid of? 

Gravity. A force to be reckoned with.

There have been quite a few movies in the past that utilized a "one main actor" setup to carry a movie. From Castaway with Tom Hanks, to "I am Legend" with Will Smith, and Buried with Ryan Reynolds. If you notice the trend, these movies are  mostly Lead by Men. All great actors carrying great movies, but where are the women? In comes Gravity. Gravity stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, but Spoiler alert... This is all Sandra Bullocks movie.

Sandra Bullock has been great throughout her acting career with her all around charm, girl next door beauty and best friend sense of humor; but never has she embarked on a role such as this.

You have seen the previews by now so you know exactly what Gravity is about; a catastrophic event happens to crew of astronauts while in space. From there, it's a great ride on the edge of your seat action thriller that seems to hold you with its intense drama and "what could go wrong" happenings at every turn!

Gravity begins quickly. There is very little to the opening sequence other than a brief introductory paragraph, and then you are thrust into a beautifully constructed view of space and the earth. It is breathtaking and Space itself seems to be the true lead character of the movie. You are introduced to the characters quickly and like any great movie, you are quickly ushered into a tense situation (you know, from the commercials again). There is the necessary amount of time to establish who is who, but the movie and its short run time do not drag on with forced character development. I love a movie that doesn't give away each part of the plot in its previews; and in this one, the previews only told about the first 20 minutes of the movie! This left you in total suspense and made you eager to see what was going to happen.

Gravity is fairly short at just under an hour and a half. This is perfect for a movie like this. The obvious comparisons would be to Avatar, but I think this is what Avatar should have been. The pace was quick and intense and just the right length. Sandra Bullock (In my opinion)  easily handles the role and makes you feel her anguish and pain throughout.  This is an Oscar worthy role and performance. She took on the challenge to overcome. Not only her personal demons, but the beautiful, yet unforgiving character of space, and the force often taken for granted.... Gravity. 

Throughout the movie, a lot happens. During these multiple series of unfortunate events, you're held captive and an in awe of her resolve. She doesn't have it figured out or know what to do, and that is a good thing. She is a real person in an unreal situation. You root for her. You feel her stress, her pain, and her hurt. The caveat is the vastness of her circumstances and Ms Bullock brazenly takes on the challenges 

The visuals of this movie are so stunning that you get tricked into the beauty of space and forget that it is a truly harsh environment. Sandra Bullock showcases her acting chops, and you  get a real sense of her suffocation while in space. The grandness of the Earth is even alluring. You'll find yourself trying to guess what earthly locale you are looking at! 

While On the surface it would seem that this is a self apocalyptic conquest of "Sandra Bullock versus the universe", it is so much more... But that alone is enough! I can't speak highly enough about how great Gravity looks. Sandra Bullock not being in consideration for Oscar, People's choice awards, MTV, or any other awards would be a travesty.  

Gravity deserves to go down in the annuls of great epic movies, and worthy of two views. I can't wait for the Bluray to see the extra scenes!

Smush rating
SMUSH - a must see!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Does Bullying have a necessary place in school? I think So

There has been a change in the landscape of today's school student to student interaction. It is quite different from the one I was a part of growing up.  Bullying was as much a part of the experience as lunch tables, sports, and math. It was a part of the life cycle of going to school.  Sometimes you were bullied, and sometimes(even without knowing) you were the bully. 

I remember during high school a girl who was a bit larger than everyone else in class was getting teased. Me being the grade A, top level "snaps" king that I am, was somehow dragged into the battle of bullying this sweet girl. Now for those of you who don't know what "Snaps" is, it's a form of playing the dozens, or "ranking" on each other. It is intended to be a humorous battle of putting each other down in the most creative yet offensive way. Some comedians whole careers are based off of this technique

Now to understand, I have to first go back and tell you about me being bullied, I was a rail thin kid who was born blind, and had several eye surgeries, and had to wear big thick, large bifocals. Needless to say, I still remember the bullying and teasing. I distinctly recall a student in my 4th grade class asking me for the answers to the test that we were to have on the following day. I thought this was an odd question and I asked "why, how would I know". His response was a 1-2 knockout barrage of- "with glasses that big, you should be able to see into the future!" 
- I was against the ropes... Then he added "You look like you're wearing Juney's (our class goldfish) fish tank. Do we all look like fish to you?" 
The class was in stitches, and I was in tears on the inside. 

That afternoon, when my mom arrived to get me and my cousins (whom also attended this same school), I nearly broke down crying  while retelling how my day went...

After a brief consoling from my mom, and snickering from my cousins, something happened. My mom asked me what I was going to do? 

What do you mean what am I going to do.... I want to fight!!!!  But fighting  wasn't an option unless someone hit you first in my household... 

My cousin, who's a few years older than me says "well you better do something, or I'm gonna beat you and him up for it"

What? What kind of psychology was this? But  then it clicked. I had to learn to defend myself. My mother and/or cousin could have gone and handled MY problem; but then what would that have taught the bully? What would it have taught me?  I for sure didn't want to give the boy more ammo on me for having my mom and cousin fight my battles.... So I made a decision. I was going to play his game. I remember all the cliches of "fighting fire with fire", and "beat em at their own game". Now they made sense. Needless to say, the teasing began, and I was ready. When the obligatory "4 eyes" and "coke bottles" began flying, I hit him with my best shot.... "You look like a broken transformer".  


 It was horrible. Now I'd made a horrendous retort that prompted MORE ridicule... But at 9 years old, the only thing I knew were cartoons, toys, music, and school! But I kept at. I kept on standing up for myself. Even in defeat. Until my conquest of the little bully. I broke him down in one fell swoop. 

"That's why your mom looks like He-man"

Class over. He had no response. He couldn't reply. I began to take off my glasses to respond to whatever snap he tried to say. He was done. The class no longer saw him as the funny guy. Now they saw him as the bully. They also saw me as someone who could defend himself, and if I did it.... Then they could too. It was great. From then on, I'd hone my skills of battling people with words. It not only helped me stand up for myself, but it also gave me confidence in various situations. A shy kid learning to talk and entertain while overcoming shortcomings and defending himself- Go figure!

Now flash forward back to high school and this lovely heavyset girl that's being "picked" on and bullied. This girl who was an honor roll student. and never bothered anyone. Her only problem to the other kids was that she was fat to them. The jokes were mean, hateful, and furious. And before I knew it, I’d said one. "You're so big, you tripped on Houston and landed in Dallas". Juvenile teens erupt in laughter. Teacher comes back in to see what is going on. We are holding in our laughs, until I happen to look at her. She seemed to have tears in her eyes. Did I actually become the bully from my 4th grade class?  At this moment, I switched it up. I started going after everyone. I  began to "rank" on all the others for her. I hit everyone. One by one. The laughs were coming, but now it was on them. And once a few say what I was doing, they began to get quiet. I went at all: Fat, skinny, short, tall, ugly, pretty, dumb, gay, everyone. I had a joke for all. Then afterwards I finished off with saying (way before it was cool to say, but nowhere near as cleverly), that that's what she told me to say.. more laughter. But I noticed an interesting dynamic. Now she wasn't the target, she was a participant. She was as much a part of the pack as anyone else in that class. We all began to not jump on one person. We started to see that everyone was flawed in some form. And it was fine. It is OK to be flawed.  

After class ended, she actually said thanks to me and smiled. She actually even became friends with some of those in that class.

But today in school, something has changed. Students can't come to these realizations and self discoveries because the parents either want to do it for them, or remove the whole experience from them. This is hindering kids from being able to make REAL choices. Seeing their way to REAL decisions. Handling conflict resolution. There is a huge difference in saying, I don't bully because I can't, and I don't bully because it's not right to. 

This is quite unpopular to say since it's trendy to be "anti bully" and so forth on social media. The pictures and memes flying around tug at that part of you that was hurt from child hood. What happens is we forget. We lose sight if the fact that these obstacles are what made us. Today it may drive you, encourage you, equip you to help others, or could be a basis for positive human interaction. You persevered. You developed your friends anyway. You learned what you would and wouldn't do from it. Yes, there are those who were bullies then, and are bullies now. But it's not about them. It's about you. You made it.

Therefore... Bullying has its place. Stop withholding kids from learning conflict resolution and social overcoming.  Don't keep a child from an opportunity to experience human interaction; whether good or bad. This denies  a natural consonance  that is ingrained within the DNA of us to find our own purpose and balance. Standing up to a bully was, and still is, a right of passage. Nearly every movie you see is founded on this one principle. (Clark Kent and Peter Parker, anyone?)

Now, by all means, I am in NO WAY talking about abuse. Those that are physically abusive, causing bodily or sexual harm; or adult/child verbal abuse is a crime and should be punished beyond the extent of the law. 

But this isn't about (physical/sexual) abuse, I'm speaking about having to learn principles during a child's formidable years that can/will translate into adulthood.By removing bullying as a form of sheltering, one seems to lend justification to those that overreact in counter intuitive or violent ways. Kids are smart. They have an excuse. They have a label to attach to an act that has now been deemed taboo That's unacceptable. As unacceptable as the act is, giving a person the ability to use such a asinine excuse is also unacceptable. 

But this isn't about abuse.,I'm speaking about having to learn principles during a child's formidable years that can/will translate into adulthood. By removing bullying from the lexicon of school life as a direct form of "sheltering" seems to lend justification to those that overreact in counter intuitive or violent ways. Kids are smart. They see what works. IF using the "Bullying" card gets you sympathy, expect it to be played. The students have an excuse. They have a label to attach to an act that has now been deemed taboo. That is unacceptable. As unacceptable as the act itself is, giving a person the ability to use such an asinine excuse is just as unacceptable. 

To remove the ability to learn constructively on how to deal with the harshness of the social dynamic, you are stunting their growth.

Remember, there is a huge difference between saying that you don't bully because you can't, or you don't bully because you won't. Kids must be able to navigate in the real world and future workplaces.A world that is all the more "clickish" and filed with more bullying than any school could ever be. 

Follow more on Facebook at or twitter @outtherebad

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Is Kendrick Lamar the next "Murder you on your own track" rapper to join Eminem, Ludacris, or Andre 3000?

For the followers of my awesome Facebook page (, you would know that I am an expert ad avid Hip hop Fan! My list is short as for great Artist. I include Andre 3000, Eminem, Jay Z, Rakim, KRS-ONE, Ludacris, Scarface, LL (Old LL), Royce da 5'9, Jay Electronica, Joell Ortiz; some newer cats like Kendrick Lamar, Sha Stimuli, MisfFit Crazy8, and a few others are really dope!

But this is about the great Guest feature. A guest feature serves multiple purposes. It can jump-start a new artist career, or be a returning favor amongst friends. But what it doesn't do enough is inspire competition  And it is obvious when you allow an Andre 3000, Jay Z, or Eminem to grace your song. Now add K Dot to that list as of late!

Now that the load roar of the Kendrick Lamar verse on the Big Sean song Control has died down a bit, I was able to take some time to see how it reflects in overall great verses. I was extremely excited about the  verse. It was sick(Great/Ill), but there was one small problem. The waterline for other rappers have sunk so low that it makes his verse seem even better than what it probably is. This verse in a different time would have been expected. 50 Cent made his career off of going at other rappers heads. 

In this current era of "Friendship" rap, name brand drop, glorify strippers, beg each other for verses while rapping about all the low hanging fruit subjects-i.e. cars, clothes, and money. The art of fight was missing. The real rappers do real thing, verses. The we may be cool and all, but im trying to murder yall verses. And i'm not talking about the twitter beef to get an artist name trending(by the way, most of those are orchestrated and fake to drum up their name in the press). The this is why im better than you flows are missing. Yes, rappers like Cassidy and the hard rapping guys and ladies from the different Underground Hip Hop Rap battle clubs (which you should look at on Youtube) are trying to keep it going, but it was absent from mainstream and relevant artists. 

This is why It was so refreshing to here the old school "I'm better than you and I'm proving it" flow back in hip hop. Even though Eminem has routinely murdered people he was on the song with (Jay z, Lil Wayne, Drake, 50 Cent etc). So I'm eager for all the responses to come out. The. Real fire that's on the way will be great for hip hop. Too bad the youngins won't be able to keep up. This IS what hip hop is. It wasn't this bragging about money and stuff you don't have. The real heavyweights from back in the day could battle their peers. In sports, friends routinely battle each other. How come hip hop Stopped? When and why did everyone get so consumed with not being called a hater that they forgot what this was all about... Beasting on your competition. Unfortunately it's going to be a crap load of wack responses and people with no skills trying to battle nows.... But the good ones will have a moment to shine. Hopefully we can get back to that real hip hop!

Below I have a few verses that are what I think is some of the BEST verses of all time. Keep in mind, I have a "great" 100. I cant pick Andre 3000 "I Choose You", over "Eminem" Forgot about Dre, over Grandmaster Flash "The Message". Even tho the former isn't technically a guest feature... it's just that good!  Let's talk about it!

Andre 3000 - Art of Storytelling 4

So I'm watchin' her fine ass
Walk to my bedroom,
and thought to myself That's the shape of things to come
She said, "Why you in the club, and you don't make it precipitate?
You know, make it rain when you can make it thunderstorm"
I'm like, "Why? 
The world needs sun
The hood needs funds
There's a war going on and half the battle is guns
How dare I throw it on the floor
When people are poor
So I write like Edgar Allen to restore, got a cord
Umbilical attached to a place they can't afford No landscaping, 
Or window draping
This old lady told me,"If I ain't got nothin' good, say nathing"
That's why I don't talk much
I swear it don't cost much,
to pay attention to me
I tell like it is, and I tell it how it could be
The hood be
Requesting my services,
Oh don't get nervous it's
Step yo game up time,
These ain't them same old rhymes 
Designed to have you dancin' in some club
Niggas ride to me, Woman be up in they tub
Exfoliating with they pom poms Yellin' "GO 3000!
"I'm in my whatever bumpin' nois (NWA)
A 100 miles and Runnin' Runnin' Runnin' Runnin
'Summon Woman Come in
Sit down, heard you need some plumbing
Done and
I'm in A swell mood
A rather swole mood
Until she told me that she told dude
That's she'll be back, she's going to the store
I didn't know she had a boyfriend, so the door
I pointed her too
I said, "Call me when ya'll break up
I don't fuck nobody bitch"And never owned a Jacob,
know what time it is
Nigga just tryin' to live
Like a Nigga suppose to live
If I still drank that malt liquor, I'd pour that beer
On the ground for niggas not around.
I started off starvin'
Now they got me out here Brett Farve'n
Try'n to see if I still got it. Got it

guess it's like the right think about it... ('bout it...)

Eminem from Nicky Minaj's Roman's Revenge

I ain't into S&M, but my whip's off the chain
A little drop of candy paint drips off the frame
Twisted-ass mind, got a pretzel for a brain
An eraser for a head, fucking pencil for a frame
You don't like it then peel off, bitch
Every last woman on Earth I'll kill off, and I still wouldn't fuck you, slut
So wipe the smile on your grill off
I swear to God I'll piss a Happy Meal off
Get the wheels turning, spin, and wheel off
Snap the axle in half, bust the tie-rod
Quit hollering "Why, God?" He ain't got shit to do with it
Bygones'll never be bygones, so won't be finished swallowing my wad
I ain't finished blowing itnice bra
Hope it'll fit a tough titty, bitchlife's hard
I swear to God, life is a dumb blond white broad
With fake tits and a bad dye job
Who just spit in my fucking face and called me a fucking tightwad
So finally I broke down and bought her an iPod
And caught her stealing my musicso I tied her arms and legs to the bed
Set up the camera and pissed twice on her
Look, two pees and a tripod!
The moral to the story is, life's treating you like dry sod?
Kick it back in its face, my God
It's Shady and Nicki Minaj, you might find the sight quite odd
But don't ask why, bitch (Ask why not)

The world-world is my punching bag and
If I'm garbage, you're a bunch of maggots
Make that face, go on, scrunch it up at me
Show me the target so I can lunge and attack it
Like a, raah, raah, like a dungeon dragon
You fell off, off, they musta bumped your wagon
You musta went off the back, I'm 'bout to go off the deep end
I told you to stay in your lane, you just jumped in traffic

All you lil' faggots can suck it, no homo
But I'mma stick it to 'em like refrigerator magnets
And I'm crooked enough to make straitjackets bend
Yeah, look who's back again, bitch, keep acting as if
You had the same passion that I have, yeah, right
Still hungry, my ass, you assdicks had gastric bypass
Ain't hot enough to set fire to dry grass
And 'bout as violent as hair on eyelids (eyelash!)
Go take a flying leap of faith off a fucking balcony
'fore I shove a falcon wing up your fly ass
You know what time it is, so why ask?
When Shady and Nicki's worlds clash, it's (high class) meets (white trash)

 Ludacris on Chamillionaire  - Creepin'

I be creepin lower, then low
Light another blunt, and I'm smokin the dro
Chokin' - loccin'never provokin
But the trunk'll get popped and I'll open the do'
Blunts full of smoke - I be slower then slow
Feel like I'm chopped and it's no where to go
So I just pull out the bazooka(BLOAH)put a fuckin hole in the flo'
Luda! I'm so dope with the flow
Trunk full of speakers, pocket full of dubs
How much wood could a wood, chuck - chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood grain
Grippin on the wheel - turn it, turn it
Blow another sack - I earned it, earned it
Blow another amp, pull another tramp
Light another blunt - burn it, burn it
Flame it up, here my flow I changed it up
Everybody grab yo gats and hold 'em, load 'em, sock 'em, lock 'em, cock 'em and aim it up
Bang it up, off in the sky - catch me rollin off in the ride
Twenty six inches, leave 'em defenseless - forty five always cut to the side
Open ya eyes see me crusincause I keep winnin'and these boys keep losin'
Plus I'm the pimp of the year, playas is hatin and hoes is chosin'
Look at all the hoes you losin'then look it all the game I got
And you can catch me creepin on the low - low, Luda ridin solo - beatin the block

Control - Big  Sean, Kendrick Lamar, & Jay Electronica

Busta Rhymes on Scenario Remix - A Tribe Called Quest ft LONS

t.h.e. MisFit Crazy8 from Keeliza Noir- Hero(the hio hopera)

US iTunes, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store


Pac Man Smush!