Good day all, my apologies for being absent lately. I look to definitely post 3-4times a week. Here we go for today....
The following comment was posed by one of my favorite people to debate with on Facebook. It is the following:
"I find it interesting that so many people have convinced themselves that we are living in a post-racial society, yet the three of the biggest news stories of the day lay bare the fact that we are not. The Trayvon Martin case, the Paula Deen story, and the SCOTUS' decisions on affirmative action and the VRA show that both individuals and our government still cling to antiquated views (masked as progressive) about about race and the place of black people in American society."
. and it made me think.
Here is my thoughts:
As Blacks, we don't have a common strand to which we fight for anymore. It's sad to say, it died with MLK and the other black leaders of the day. Unfortunately, the NAACP is not seeming to be in the corner of blacks, but almost as a "UN" of black delegates with a unique agenda, instead of one that encompasses a group. They have become in essence, what our congress has become- for the people(of congress), by the people (of congress). Just as Congress has blatantly disregarded what constituents
Our extent of action is to uprise solely with a universal enemy, which is always the most easy thing to "hate" (9/11,Terrorists bombers), or against a white person saying the N word (Paula deen, Kramer, so many more), We as blacks are the most easily appeased people out there. As long as an apology is given, we are fine. In relation to a person who offends gays, there is a steep penalty to pay. You will have to do PSA's, get counseling, speak at a conference, give money, lose sponsors and job(s), and possibly are cast down in society. If you Offend Jewish people,(except for Mel Gibson) there is hell to pay. These groups seem to have more pride and content for what they are. For us, an apology and the obligatory handshake and photo-op from your black representative of choice, Sharpton, or Jackson. Afterwards, show up at a heat game, sit next to Jay-Z, and appear on a tyler perry sitcom, and all is forgiven. we wont even support our own who is being castrated for other outspoken blurbs. We didn't take up for Dave Chapelle, Tracey Morgan, or any others. even if the comments are wrong that they say, we do NOT jump on board to protect our own from excessive abuse. we look at it and do nothing.
A big part of this societal non-interference is Because of this, big business knows we are nothing more than a cheap conduit to a financial pool. Government is no longer an entity set up to govern and instill laws and order, it is a business; albeit one run poorly. but it is widely understood that if you Want to sell a product, and test it out first.... Give it to a rapper. It'll spread faster than anything. We are the low cost cheap alternative. We are blackberry today,while whites are apple, Hispanics are android, and all the rest mixed in. So, will our government business ever stop trying to hold on to the tried and true indentured customer test base, no! And why should they, we aren't demanding change. We just sit back and talk about, while writing a post defending the need to love beyonce and indulge in hip hop/R&b divas.
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